Gluten-Free Diet and Celiac Disease

Most of the people, who are diagnosed with celiac disease are required to stick to a gluten-free diet. This is because avoiding this protein that is mostly present in wheat rye and barley is critical while treating celiac disease. Elimination of gluten in a patient’s diet helps to heal the damages made in the small intestines and improve the symptoms. Also, it prevents any further damage that may occur with time.

Gluten-free diet: easy to follow?

A gluten-free diet might be a little limiting but the good news is that there are still plenty of other options that you can have. In the grocery stores, there are lots of healthy gluten-free foods as well as products. In an occasion where a patient has the celiac diseases, they should be careful with most processed foods as well as avoid cereals, pasta, and grains.

What should a celiac disease-patient eat?

The best thing to do in such a case actually is to consult with a dietician with prior experience with celiac disease patients. Celiac disease patients should eat foods such as vegetables, potatoes, fish, fruits, meat, and rice. These foods should not also contain any additives or seasonings with gluten and the best part is that they are a great addition to any balanced diet.

Also, you can find a variety of gluten-free types of pasta which are now readily available at restaurants and some special food companies. Instead of wheat flour, you can go for the bean flour, soy, rice, potatoes, and buckwheat.

In the past, oats were out of the list but today, researchers have proven that moderate amounts of oats are not that bad at the end of the day. However, the oats should not be contaminated with wheat in any way during processing.

Is Gluten-free Diet Safe for People without Celiac Disease?

Most people have adopted the gluten-free diet and this is for one reason; to lose weight. They believe that avoiding gluten is actually healthy and could contribute to cutting a few pounds. However, there is no proof that people should embrace the gluten-free diets to lose weight.

Generally, a gluten-free diet is not always the healthy choice. This is because it may not provide the required nutrients, minerals as well as vitamins that the body needs. Such lacking nutrients in the gluten-free diets include fiber, calcium, and iron. Also, some other gluten-free foods may have an unusually high number of sugar and calories.

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