Slim and Smart Healthy Options

Vegan Paleo Gluten Free Coconut Porridge


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Coconut Porridge – Dairy Free Coconut Oatmeal 250g

Revitalize Your Mornings with Our Paleo and Gluten-Free Coconut Porridge

Looking for a breakfast option that’s both quick and healthy? Our new Paleo and Gluten-Free Coconut Porridge is the perfect solution for those mundane morning meals. If your regular porridge routine has become a bit tedious, our coconut porridge is set to bring excitement back to your breakfast table.

This Coconut Oatmeal is designed to cater to your health and taste preferences. Like the best breakfast porridges, it boasts a high fiber content while keeping the calories low, making it an ideal choice for a diet-conscious morning meal.

What sets our Coconut Porridge apart is its suitability for various dietary needs. It’s not only Paleo-friendly and gluten-free but also completely dairy-free. This means you can enjoy a wholesome and satisfying breakfast without any dietary concerns.

Coconut Porridge – Dairy Free Coconut Oatmeal

The preparation of this coconut oatmeal is a breeze, ensuring you can have a nutritious breakfast ready in no time. It strikes a delightful balance between the creamy texture of oat porridge and the comforting feel of semolina pudding. The result is a breakfast that not only fills you with fiber and keeps the calorie count low but also provides sustained energy to power through your day.

Start your mornings with our Coconut Porridge, and experience a breakfast that’s not only quick and easy but also delicious and nutritious. It’s time to transform your breakfast into a moment of wellness and pleasure!

But how to prepare this easy breakfast Gluten Free Coconut Porridge, you ask. It is easy, and ready in a couple of minutes.


How to prepare the Coconut Porridge:

  1. Add the coconut oatmeal mix to the cold milk alternative and start cooking it until it thickens.
  2. You add your favourite flavours (cocoa powder, carob powder) or fruits or jams (low carb blueberry, low carb apricot, low carb syrup, etc) and enjoy ?

Nutrition details of Szafi Reform Coconut Semolina Pudding Replacement with Erythritol in 100 g:

Energy: 174 Kcal / 718 KJ
Protein: 8 g
Carbohydrates: 45.3 g of which sugar is 7.9g, and of which polyols: 36.5g
Fat: 3.5 g of which saturated fat is 3.2 g
Fibre: 37.9 g
Salt: 0.1 g

304 kJ / 76 kcal of the energy content of 100g Paleo coconut porridge comes from dietary fibres. 36.5 grams of 100g of flour mix carbohydrate content comes from erythritol. This polyol has zero calories and an absorbable carbohydrate.

Ingredients: coconut flour, sweetener (erythritol), bamboo fibre, thickeners (cognac gum),