Our next success story is about Ildikó’s lifestyle change. The aim of this interview was to help and motivate others, who want to change their lifestyle, and to show that anyone can do it! Read it carefully because her story is a unique one.

Ildikó Kocsisné Enyedi
„My story started a year ago, when I decided to get rid of excess weight but I wanted to do it in a smart way. As you can see in the before-after photos, I managed to achieve my goal and during the past 1 year, I got rid of 38 kg (approx. 84 lb), which is a huge success for me. Preparing healthy food is an important part of my life, but I do not overcomplicate things… I tend to use basic ingredients, my favourite dia-wellness products are the low-carb flours and sweetener.
So, with the help of these ingredients I can make whatever I want in many ways. These are versatile products and versatility is extremely important when it comes to dieting…”

Furthermore, the best thing in these types of flour is that all of them are low carb, with reduced carbohydrate content so you don’t have to worry about the possible disadvantages of flour consumption. Moreover, they are perfect for guilt-free donuts, cakes, spongecakes and biscuits. Also, erythritol and Stevia Sweetener is suitable for Paleo Diet, which is great news for those on a cavemen diet. Be careful, too much of any erythritol based sweetener can cause trouble in you digestive system, so moderation is the key.
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